Hacking the Google Glass @ Ubitech
Mailjet had the awesome opportunity of sponsoring Ubitech’s Google Glass hackathon — a two day event challenging individuals to innovate with Google Glass.

This past weekend, Mailjet had the awesome opportunity of sponsoring Ubitech’s Google Glass hackathon — a two day event created to challenge and inspire individuals to innovate with Google Glass. For those of you who live under a rock, Google Glass is a wearable eyeglass device, which provides you with a HUD. To interact with the device, users can touch or swipe the side, or simply speak to it. Needless to say, there is huge potential for some groundbreaking applications.
Most participants came prepped bright and early with their computer in one hand and their Google Glass already on their face. For those in need of a pair, Augmate had a large supply on hand. With the right tools, the hackers were ready to go to work for the next two days.
And to work they went! There were many fun hacks that have huge potential in helping solve local and global issues. One hacker created an app where a Google Glass wearer can look at someone and the Glass will read back the heartbeat of the individual. This has potential of being a preliminary way for EMTs to assess patients. Another team took on the brave initiative of the NYC war against rats (yes, you read that correctly). Every time a Glass user is near an area with a high concentration of rats, their app would display a notification on the HUD. Users can report rat sightings with a gamified spin to it — the more rats a user spots, the more points they get. The winning team of the hackathon, Intellibins, created anincentivised method for users to recycle smarter. Users can look at an item and Glass will provide directions to the nearest proper recycling station (plastic, aluminum, paper, etc.). Also, users can look at a particular trash/recycling receptacle and Intellibins’ app will say what materials are acceptable to place in it.
The winner of Mailjet’s prize — Arduino, Raspberry PI, and hardware sensor kit — for the best use of our API was team Double ‘A’. Double ‘A’ created an app for streamlined AMBER alerts. With their Glass, users can send pertinent information — photos, videos — via email to local police authorities and the app gives updates to parents of the victim. This hack has a lot of potential for aiding child abduction scenarios. Great work, team Double ‘A’!
Teams have the opportunity to continue working on their projects until October, when they will present their polished finalized app. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s hacks then!
Tyler Nappy Developer Evangelist