One week. A world of APIs.
I recently got back from an API filled week in San Francisco, where we sponsored the API World Hackathon and Conference.

I recently got back from an API filled week in San Francisco, where we sponsored the API World Hackathon and Conference. It was my first time in the Bay Area - ironic considering how I’ve been involved in tech the past few years. It was great to finally make my way out there and meet the community in person!
True to the name, in the two days of the hackathon. I saw a world of APIs. The varied themes and API use cases were impressive.
Team ‘Notify’ leveraged the Mailjet API to create an app that allows college students to easily send and share lecture notes via email. Students unable to attend class or did attend and are looking to supplement their notes can turn to this app.
Another team looked to simplify the hackathon presentation process - a sigh could almost be heard across the room. Most teams wished this existed before the API World Conference. With this app, teams can easily consolidate their individual slides through email. Each participant receives an email with a URL invite to upload their deck. Then, the app seamlessly integrates these slides into one larger presentation.
Team ‘Sparkifly’ tackled a slightly different issue, looking to help married couples with rocky relationships. A couple signs into the the app and are prompted to take a personality test via Traitify’s API (if you haven’t heard of them yet, you should totally check them out — real cool API!). Based on their results, a recommended vacation is then generated. The best part is that the app shows a suggested itinerary of activities and destinations that best suits the couple and is most likely to put a spark back into their relationship.
However, the best use of Mailjet’s API and the winner of our competition was ourLeader. Ever find it hard to keep up with your favorite politicans after they are elected into office? You’ve put in your vote of support for them so you’d like to be sure they’ve advocated for all the issues they promised they’d work on. ourLeader is just the solution. Their app that allows users to subscribe to political candidates and track how much each official adhere tostances he/she ran on while they are in office. Users are notified of updates through triggered email messages. Great work, ourLeader - looking forward to the awesome things you have in store!
Thanks San Fran for an educational week, the chance to get to know some cool folks and of course, the great beach views. Until next time!
Tyler Nappy Developer Evangelist