New: Edit your emails with others in real time
A solution that will make life easier and allow you to collaborate on beautiful emails with ease. You can see, in real time, what your colleagues are doing. You can then make your own changes and they will also be visible in real time!

Ta-da! WE’VE DONE IT. What are we talking about? A solution that will make life easier and allow you to collaborate on beautiful emails with ease.
So, what is it? Teamwork in real time!
Now you can work on your email designs with others, at the same time, from anywhere. Finally, the same collaboration tools you expect in all your documents, you can now have in your email campaigns.
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It couldn’t be easier
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Real-time teamwork to create your emails
Are you designing a campaign where you have to write the content? Does your designer have to update the images and ensure that the brand guidelines are adhered to? Working with others on emails often turns out to be complicated and all the extra back-and-forth can waste a lot of time.
Well, here’s something new from Mailjet (and new to email campaigns anywhere): we are developing solutions that will make designing, writing, and sending emails as a team much faster, and easier. You can now work with anyone, anywhere, to build emails at the same time. No more waiting for your colleague to finish editing an email so you can begin to make your changes, join them in our new collaborative editing tool.
How exactly does this work?
It couldn’t be easier
If you open an email campaign or template and someone is already making changes to it, just join the session. The initial of your first name is displayed as soon as you join:

The best advantage is that you can’t overwrite the changes your colleague is making when you join the template, and vice versa!
You can see, in real time, what your colleague is doing. You can then make your own changes and they will also be visible in real time:
View person 1:
View person 2:
To make teamwork easier, Mailjet blocks the section (text, image, etc.) you are working on so that nobody can make changes while you are working on it:
Extra secure, for everyone!
This feature is available as part of Mailjet’s Premium and Enterprise subscriptions.
The Teamwork feature is not activated for customers using our Basic plan. However, in Basic and Free accounts, you will be alerted if someone is already working on a campaign or template that you want to edit. You can choose to not edit that email, or else you can retake control.

If you are already on a Premium account, check out this new feature now! And if you're not... What are you waiting for? Upgrade to Premium and start collaborating with your team to create awesome emails!