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Ex-Mandrill users already falling in love with Mailjet

Mandrill users are looking for an alternative since it announced changes in its policy. Many turned to Mailjet and already show the love for our services.

Hermes is guarding a mailbox from incoming emails



These past few weeks have been rough to the emailing community. A few days ago, we lost our spiritual father, Ray Tomlinson, inventor of the email, who set the “@” sign as an emailing norm. And for 15 days now, many senders of transactional email are looking for a new partner as they migrate away from Mandrill as announced big changes policy and pricing.

After their announcement, as one of their main European competitiors, Mailjet is an obvious Mandrill alternative. Because of our great community, our name started popping on the social networks:

#mandrill We may switch back to #mailjet as we have programming in place & it's very cheap for 30k emails and free for the first 6k

— Craig Price (@core9craig) 25 février 2016

Alright, now we've got some alternatives @SparkPost @mailjet @SendGrid (paid) This weekend is going to be interesting but w/o #Mandrill — Konstantin Komelin (@kkomelin) 26 février 2016

Have you checked out @mailjet ? Just came across this article myself : .

— Kenta Thomas Naoi (@kentathomas_) 27 février 2016

And a few days later, we welcomed our first ex-Mandrill users:

Passage de Mandrill à Mailjet pour notre newsletter, c’était sans douleur et en 5 minutes ! — blogarts (@blogarts) 29 février 2016

Actually, @mailjet win just for having done a “Leaving Mandrill” page: Bye @MailChimp

— Andy Beaumont (@drcongo) 1 mars 2016

Thanks @mailjet for Mandrill Api migration guide — Romain Norberg (@romainnorberg) 5 mars 2016

Hey @mailjet @mailjet_de, nice campaign for disappointed mandrill users, you got us on your side!

— This Aint Bristol (@ThisAintBristol) 5 mars 2016

Thanks for riding with us, but what can you expect next?

For those Manrill user’s who are looking at migrating from their service to ours, have a look at our comparison page to understand what are our values and strenghts. Like what you see? Good! We also have a migration guide for a flawless switch and to start sending your transactional emails with Mailjet. It is available in 6 different languages (PHP, Node, Ruby, Python, Go and JAVA), so you should be covered.

By subscribing to Mailjet, you also benefit from our transactional suite. Of course, you can use our APIs and SMTP servers but we have specific transactional services that will help you work better between the different team within your company. Passport for transactional allows non technical profiles (like Marketers or Sales) to conceive and edit your transactional email templates easily. With our Templating Language, developers can create dynamic and personalized emails directly through our API in a snap. And of course, designing and integrating transactional email has never been so simple with MJML, the new markup language to create responsive emails without losing time trying to figure out HTML.

So, what are you waiting for? Need a helping hand in migrating? Get in touch with us.

We’ve put together a rich API documentation with the same layout as that of Mandrill to help you with the migration process.

Need to change from Mailchimp to Mailjet? Consult our page!

Get in touch for migration assistance

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