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Easily and securely stow your contact lists

Contact lists are at the heart of any email campaign. We put a lot of thought into building tools to help you effortlessly grow your customer relationships. Choose from several ways to upload, sort and manage contact lists. Find the workflow that works best for you.

A list of contacts with additional information beyond their email address.

We’re with you from the beginning

Use our email capture widget to collect customer sign ups in a smart way. Add the subscription widget to your website and customize the look-and-feel to your brand - no coding required! Opt-ins are integrated with your Mailjet account, automatically saving to the contact list of your choice.

Mailjet's A/B testing feature.
Hermes and Hephaestus coming together to connect in front of a computer as a way of integration.

CSV, TXT, XLS Upload

You can also manually upload a contact list onto your account. CSV, .TXT and XLS files are compatible. You’ll even get a second pair of eyes on your list before it goes through. Our system automatically screens the lists for any possible errors and filters out duplicate addresses.


Besides maintaining your list through a stellar sender reputation, use Mailjet’s range of tools to create the perfect customer experience. Check out Personalization to tailor each message in a special way and Segmentation to send the right content to the right person.

Mailjet's filtering feature helps you learn and grow.

Join us today.

40K+ companies use Mailjet daily. You too can send better emails.
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