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Lost in all the marketing jargon? Find definitions for common email and digital marketing terms and learn more with our related resources.

Dedicated IP

A dedicated IP address protects a company’s network from outside threats. It prevents external entities from accessing email marketers’ work and content, acting as an extra layer of security. IP addresses are a series of numbers computers use when connected to a network. These addresses are how computers interact with each other.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing is the use of online avenues like social media, email marketing, and search engines to market to a target audience. Marketing campaigns often span all digital channels for maximum reach. This allows companies to reach wider audiences than traditional forms of marketing like print media or physical mail.

Digital media

Digital media is any electronic media that facilitates content creation, viewing, and distribution. Brands leverage digital media to promote products and services, communicate with potential and existing customers, and more. This includes videos, audio, and static posts, which are easier to appeal to prospects and turn them into buyers than written content.

Direct mail advertising

Direct mail advertising is the process of sending printed materials like flyers, postcards, and catalogs to people’s mailboxes while sharing the benefits of a product or service. While digital marketing is increasingly prevalent, direct mail advertising is an excellent avenue for building brand awareness.

Direct mail marketing

Direct mail marketing seeks to persuade existing and potential customers to make a purchase with mailed materials, like postcards, flyers, and catalogs. When combined with digital marketing strategies, direct mail marketing helps reach a wider audience, appealing to consumers of all demographics. This also creates a lasting impression on consumers, helping the company stay fresh in consumers’ memory and boost its brand awareness.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing means advertising to a specific target audience and encouraging them to take one clear action, like signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or visiting a landing page. It allows companies to analyze results using cookies or tracking pixels that compile data like website visits or sign ups. With those statistics, companies can gauge the success of their techniques. Email marketers then optimize their direct marketing strategies to reach a larger target group and potentially expand their customer base.

Drip campaign

A drip campaign sends a sequence of automated emails – like welcome, abandoned shopping cart, purchase invoice, or customer service emails – to users who take action on a website.

Dynamic content

Dynamic content is a type of web content that varies depending on user actions, interests, or preferences. It’s mostly in the form of video, audio, or text. Whether on websites or in emails, the content changes and adjusts to a user’s profile or the time of their visit, providing them with a personalized experience.