Lost in all the marketing jargon? Find definitions for common email and digital marketing terms and learn more with our related resources.
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- WYSIWYG editor
A What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor, is an editing software that allows users to edit content on a website and check the preview simultaneously. This eliminates the need to experiment with different HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) codes.
- Welcome email
Welcome emails are sent immediately after recipients subscribe to a new list or make their first purchase from a company. These emails have a high open rate, making them essential for a positive first impression and long-lasting customer relationship. And because they’re automatically sent, they save email marketers precious time.
- White paper
A white paper is a document that publishes accurate information about pressing issues with opinions of the issuing body and research data in the form of graphs and numbers. Brands also publish to provide benefits of their products or services that have been already launched or are soon-to-be launched. Through this, they persuade potential or existing customers or investors. It often shows research data with charts and graphs, emphasizes why a company or organization’s solution is superior to others on the market, and usually takes place between companies and wholesalers or wholesalers and retailers. The different types of white papers include problem/solution, backgrounders, and numbered lists.